Panjab University Chandigarh Department of Biochemistry invites applications from the eligible candidates for the award of UGC- BSR Research Fellowships (5) for meritorious students (RFSMS) for pursuing Ph.D degree in Department of Biochemistry as per the following terms and conditions mentioned below
Name of Post: Research Fellowship
No. of Posts: 05 (Five)
Duration: Initially for 01 year (extendable to 5 years)
Eligibility: M.Sc degree in Biochemistry/Biophysics Microbiology/Biotechnology/Life Sciences with at least 55%/marks
Qualified CSIR-UGC NET /GATE examination in life sciences or;
Qualified Ph.D Entrance test/ Enrolled for Ph.D
Rs.14,000/- Per Month (fixed) plus HRA and plus Contingency Rs.12,000/- per annum (for non UGC/CSIR/GATE qualified candidates)
Rs.16,000/- Per Month (fixed) plus HRA and plus Contingency Rs.12,0001 per annum (for UGC/CSIR/GATE qualified candidates)
Applications on a plain paper giving detailed Bio-Data with attested copies of testimonials should reach the office of the Chairperson, Department of Biochemistry, Panjab University, Chandigarh on or before 07th Feb 2014 till 05.00 p.m.
The selected candidate shall be entitled to the fellowship only after the approval by the UGC. The interview date will be intimated later to the eligible candidates. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview
Last date of submission of application: 07 February 2014 till 05.00 p.m.
Panjab University, Chandigarh Research Fellowships 2014
(Department of Biochemistry)
(DST-First & UGC-SAP Supported Department)
Tel-0172-2534737, e-mail: [email protected]
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