The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection successfully conducted the IBPS CWE Clerical V examination in the month of December/January 2016.
Indian Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) has decided to discontinue the personal interview round for clercal posts from this year. IBPS has released an official notification stating to discontinue interviews in the recruitment process for Clerical Cadre. NO Interviews will be conducted under CWE Clerks-V. 100% weightage will be given to the score obtained by the candidate in the online Main Examination of CWE-Clerks-V, instead of weightage ratio of 80: 20 for CWE Main examination and interview respectively.
A candidate should qualify in the CWE Clerks-V main examination and be sufficiently high in merit to be shortlisted for provisional allotment based on the reported vacancies by the participating organisations.
Since the clerical recruitment is State/UT specific and proficiency in the official language of the State/UT is preferred, the allottee banks before issuance of offer letter will have the full discretion to ascertain the candidate’s familiarity with the official language of the State/UT.
Also See
IBPS CWE Clerical V Recruitment