Educational Qualification:
Post graduate in Agriculture/ Agricultural Engineering
Experience of dealing with field crop management/ Laboratory techniques/ Farm Machineries
Name of the post/ No. of post
Senior Research Assistant (SRA)/one
Assam Agriculture University Recruitment of Senior Research Assistants Posts
Selection Procedure:
Interested candidates are requested to appear the interview with application in plain paper along with bio-data and original and attested copy of all supporting testimonials. No TA/DA is admissible for attending the interview.
Walk in interview for the following position will be held at AICRPDA Conference Hall, Biotech Hub, BN College of Agriculture, Biswanath Chariali, AAU on 3rd December 2013 at 10:30 am.
Emoluments (per month):
Fixed monthly salary of Rs. 16,000.00 + HRA + MA
How to Apply:
The candidates may submit their resume in advance to the Chief Scientist, AICRPDA, BNCA by email – [email protected].
Important Date:
Interview will be held on 3rd Dec 2013 (from 10:30 am onwards)
The applicants must try to reach the venue at least half an hour before the stipulated time.
Contact Details:
All India Coordinated Research Project for Dryland Agriculture
B.N. College of Agriculture, A.A.U
Biswanath Chariali, Assam – 784176