Over 2000 new lecturers to be recruited through CET


The Karnataka government has announced that it plans to recruit 2,154 new lecturers to government first grade colleges in the state.

In order to ensure that the recruitment process is 100 per cent merit based and transparent, the government has asked the Karnataka Examination Authority (KEA) to fill up the vacancies through a Common Entrance Test (CET).

RV Deshpande, the Minister for Higher Education, said in a statement to the media that the whole recruitment process will be free from any sort of interview.


It is worth mentioning here that the last appointment of lecturers to government colleges took place during the tenure of the previous BJP government in 2009.  As of now, the total number of government colleges in the state stands at 411.

Deshpande also stated that a decision has been taken to establish smart classrooms across government colleges in the state in order to boost the quality of teaching. The pilot phase of this rather ambitious program will be rolled out in 50 government first grade colleges in Kalaburagi division.

Subjects taught by five senior lecturers will be video recorded and then distributed to colleges using Local Area Network connectivity.  After the initial evaluation of the program, the government plans to roll out it to more colleges with necessary modifications.

The minister also stated stat the virtual classes will include eBooks, audio books, e-content and other digital form of learning. The curriculum will also include other activities such as personality development programs.

“This measure is intended to supplement the traditional course delivery system by enabling the students to access useful online OpenCourseWare content off-line and bypass the bottleneck of textbook production,” the Minister said.

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